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Scheduled Studying

Plan enough time for studying

The university expects a student to average about two hours in studying (including library work, term papers, themes, etc.) for each hour spent in the classroom. This is an appropriate and realistic guideline. A genuinely high-ability student may get by adequately with less. However, many students would do well to plan for somewhat more than the two-for-one ratio of hours studied to hours spent in the classroom.

Study at the same time everyday

As often as possible, students should schedule certain hours to be used for studying almost every day, creating a habitual system. Keeping regular studying hours at least five days a week will make it easier to habitually follow a schedule and to maintain an active approach to studying.

Make use of free hours during the school day

The hours between classes are perhaps a student's most valuable study time, yet, ironically, are the most frequently misused. Students may effectively utilize these hours by reviewing the material and editing the notes of the preceding class and/or studying the material to be discussed in the following class.

Plan study periods to follow class periods

This should be done whenever possible. The next best procedure is to schedule the period for study immediately preceding each class. Students should specify the particular course they will study rather than just marking "study" on their schedule.

Space study periods

50 to 90 minutes of study at a time for each course works best. Relaxation periods of 10 or 15 minutes should be scheduled between study periods. It is more efficient to study hard for a definite period of time and then stop for a few minutes, than to attempt to study indefinitely.

Plan for weekly reviews

At least one hour of review should be scheduled each week for each class (distinct from study time). The weekend is a good time for review.

Leave some unscheduled time for flexibility

This is important! Lack of flexibility is the major reason why schedules fail. Students tend to over-schedule themselves.

Allot time for planned recreational, university, and personal activities

When planning a schedule, students should begin by listing the activities that come at fixed hours and cannot be changed. Classes and labs, meals, sleep, and part-time jobs are examples of areas that students typically cannot alter. Next, schedule flexible time commitments. These hours can be interchanged with other hours if schedules must be changed during the week. Recreational activities are planned last.

When forced to deviate from a planned schedule (and that will invariably occur), students should trade time rather than steal it from somewhere else on the schedule. For example, if an unexpected visitor comes by at a time that has been scheduled for studying, students can substitute an equal amount of study time for the period that was set aside for recreation.